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Academic Council
List of articles in category Academic Council
Election of a Modern Medicine Member From Academic Council to Governing Council, Electoral Roll and Schedule of Election
Academic Council has re-constituted with Deans and BoS Chairs
AC- Chancellor Nominated Members
Declaration of Elected Members of AC to GC
Election from AC to GC- List of validly nominated Candidates
Election Notification Nomination/Withdrawal forms (AC to GC )
Election From Academic Council to Governing Council, Electoral Roll and Schedule of Election
7 BoS Chairpersons Order AC and Faculty
Co opting 7 members to the Academic Council
Academic Council- Incorporating Nominated Members
Academic Council Re-constituted
U.O Incorporating New Members to the AC
Notification of Elected Members to GC from AC
Notification of Final List of Candidates for Election to GC from AC
Notification of Elected Members to GC from AC
Notification-Election of three members one each from Modern Medicine, Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathic Medicine to the Governing Council of KUHS by the Academic Council
Academic Council of the University- incorporating new members
Academic Council reconstitution- New Order
Dr. Eapen Cherian , Prof of Oral Pathology, St Gregorious Dental College, Ernakulam Nominated in lieu of Dr.Mahesh Narayan who was relieved of his duties in Malabar Dental College and research Centre
U.O- Eligibility Certificate- Exemption to students who acquired Degree/PG Degree from other State Universities in Kerala
Copy of the University order implementing the decision of the Academic Council inclusion of one one teacher representing each faculty to be co-opted by the Academic Council of the University -Click here
Academic Council Re Constitution - New
Declaration of result
Minutes of Academic Council
Modifications in Double Valuation system